Nityānanda Trayodaśī | Swansea
Celebrate the appearance day of Lord Nityānanda

11 Feb 2025, 18:30 – 20:00
Govinda's Swansea, Govinda's Swansea, 8 Craddock St, Swansea SA1 3EN, UK
"Except for the lotus feet of Lord Nityānanda, there is no other shelter!" Boro Sukher Khabor Gāi, Ḍālālera Gīta
"Lord Nityānanda is the most magnanimous incarnation of God, and He is the most merciful. His divine mercy is open to everyone, even to the most fallen souls. By His mercy, even those who have no access to spiritual realization can be elevated to the highest position." Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā, 6.225
Come to honour Lord Nityānanda, the beloved companion of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Immerse yourself in vibrant kīrtanas, hear of Nityānanda’s divine pastimes, and conclude the celebration with a glorious vegetarian feast.
Entry is free | Donations encouraged for the feast